Choice of ski equipment - a serious matter

Every year the ski sports are becoming increasingly popular in many corners of the globe, where know firsthand, what the snow. Competitions in cross-country skiing, biathlon, freestyle, mountain slalom, ski jumping have a multimillion TV audience. The winners of these competitions are considered the real heroes not only in their own country, but also abroad. […]


As the rope helps to lose weight

For every overweight person is the real problem. But in order to always maintain the shape of the figure a little to eat, You need to constantly exercise. And if you do not have time to go to gyms, you can always find an alternative in the form of exercises at home. You can not even guess how, how jump rope helps to lose weight and which one […]


Sports nutrition for athletes should be varied and balanced

Not only for athletes, but also for people, active lifestyle, It will be important sports nutrition. Of course, there are differences in the diet, say, swimmers, fighters, tennis, volleyball, weightlifters, skiers, but there are similar principles. So you can help the following rules: – For a set of muscle mass should prefer not carbohydrates (enough of them all 4-5 grams per […]


Head counts medals Sochi 2014

Head / Head – this brand, which was won the most medals in alpine skiing at the Olympics in Sochi – total 11. Skiing second producer, (of? - write in comments, check your knowledge!) выиграно еще четыре медали. Head became the greatest brand in the history of skiing, на котором было выиграно пять золотых на одной […]