Sports nutrition for athletes should be varied and balanced


Sports nutrition for athletes should be varied and balanced

Not only for athletes, but also for people, active lifestyle, It will be important sports nutrition. Of course, there are differences in the diet, say, swimmers, fighters, tennis, volleyball, weightlifters, skiers, but there are similar principles. So you can help the following rules:

- For a set of muscle mass should prefer not carbohydrates (enough of them all 4-5 grams per 1 Kg. weight), a protein. It was his taking as a basis the manufacturers from around the world. for instance, in store assortment balanced products are presented, which will help to raise the muscle tone and provide a smooth, but steady growth of muscle mass;

- Number of meals. It is considered to be a standard set of food consumption 3 times a day. But experts recommend athletes to depart from those standards and to consume more food in small portions, but more often - 4-5 once a day. So you block the formation of fatty deposits;

- Do not skip breakfast. On the morning of the most intensive substance exchange and consumed products digested well. Later in the afternoon the metabolism in the body slows down somewhat, and after 18-00 it is the slowest clock;

- Do not give up fat. It is a myth, that when consumed consistently appear rolls at the waist, legs and thighs instead of the desired spectacular muscular corset. Some types of fat are required, eg, Omega 3, that is found in fish, other vegetable fats, which are abundantly present in vegetable oils: olive, linseed, calendula oil, grapeseed, etc.. But here from frying foods (especially meat) on oil should be abandoned;

- Consume meat - different, fresh, postnoe. It is not only the notorious chicken breasts, advised that many magazines. The menu includes beef tenderloin and the first or highest category without streaks. It contains enzymes, iron, calcium - perfect for the sportsman! Cook tenderloin is better for a couple and consume with vegetables, enhancing digestion. It should alternate between beef, chicken, fish, turkey - This products are good in their own way and must be present in your diet.

- Do not forget about other seafood except fish. It is very rich in proteins shrimp, oysters, octopus - they are easily absorbed by the body and fills it with microelements, necessary for sports.