Category: recipes

Donuts with jam – dessert recipes

Ingredients: 500 g flour 7 g dry yeast 30 g sahara 100 g butter 2 eggs 120 ml milk 1 no. l. vanilla salts vegetable oil 300 d povidla 20 g powdered donuts, prepared for this recipe, claim to be masterpieces in the world of baking. Try to cook the flavorful, lush and incredibly tasty dessert. […]

Poppy seed roll

Still, there are poppy in baking something unique. Not for nothing did the poppy products like in many families, because poppy filling truly royal. So why do not you bake poppy seed roll and enjoy its amazing taste? Recipe for making poppy seed roll To prepare the dough, you will need the following components: Wheat flour 600 g; Recent 20 g, granular 1 dining room […]

Sekihan rice with red beans

Japanese have special respect for rice, even with some trepidation and reverence for this gift of the gods, sent to people as a useful and saturating product. Hardly anyone is going to count, how many rice dishes were invented by Japanese culinary specialists for the entire period of the Land of the Rising Sun. One thing is clear: hundreds of them or, may be, even thousands. And let it go […]

yeast + Love = Living Bread

Since childhood, my parents, grandmother with grandfather, teachers were respectful of bread. The feeling of holiness bread remained in the soul to this day. Live bread really gives insight, why every family respected him so much, why did you treat him so carefully. He really has a head, as the wisdom of people weighed and tested over the centuries says.