Category: Family tips

Stages of repair of apartments – wall painting

For, to properly do repair his apartment or his house and get the process of repair of the maximum satisfaction and pleasure, should clearly define the stages of repair, that is, to identify the most important, what to do in the first place. Someone wants to change the layout of the premises, someone interior, someone to the floor or something else. И чтобы максимально успешно воплотить […]

Milota day: Daddy Lion for the first time met with his son

The little cub has fascinated millions of users on the network. Recently the Denver Zoo has shared a video, where the left-dad for the first time meets his almost newborn baby. Cub was at this moment for five weeks, but before the pope to launch in the aviary to the mother and the baby can not. certainly, playing zveryata - enchanting spectacle. But in this video attracts attention time, когда папа […]

The bear made himself a den in the basement of an apartment house

Косолапый всерьез принялся «гнездоваться» там на зимовку, перепугав людей таким соседством до полусмерти. Представьте — сидите вы тихо-мирно за ужином или вечерним чаепитием, а в окно к вам заглядывает… медведь. What, это очень по-русски, если верить стереотипам о нашей стране. Но в похожую ситуацию попала семья американцев: в их доме решил поселиться огромный медведь. И теперь […]

Doctors have called the new danger of vegetarianism

It turns out, abandonment of animal food destroys teeth. The transformation in the Vega can affect your smile is not the best way. So, Dr. Mervyn Drujan from the London Center of Cosmetic Dentistry says, that today the rise of patients with caries after, they gave up eating certain foods. The fact, that the number of fans is growing vegetarianism, а при […]