Stars, like mothers

Stars, like mothers

From them they got plump lips, perfect nose and other features, that have been passed down through generations.

Stars are often blamed for, that their beauty is the merit of a plastic surgeon. Чтобы обосновать обратное, им не нужно ничего писать, довольно показать снимки своих мам и все станет ясно. Как это случилось, когда семейным портретом поделилась Лера Кудрявцева.

Ведущей 47 years old, she recently became a mother for the second time and looks great. Is there anyone. Lera showed the world her mother, and to her, by the way, for 70 years old, what can't you say, because on the face of the parent there are actually no wrinkles. Теперь понятно, от кого Кудрявцевой достался ген нескончаемой молодости.

Photo: @leratv

Похожи как две капли воды и певица Нюша со собственной мамой. С ней у звезды всегда были достаточно теплые отношения.

— Я жила с матерью и бабушкой. Мама всегда относилась ко мне как к другу. Со мной малеханькой вела себя так, будто я уже взрослая, I understand. And gave me freedom, so I figured it out quickly: if I forbid something, I, with my rebellious disposition, will do the opposite, - Nyusha admitted in an interview with

Photo: @nyusha_nyusha

Victoria Bonya, которую подписчики не один раз обвиняли в социальных сетях в том, что она накачала губки, изменила форму носа, продемонстрировала, что все у нее свое, от природы. А поточнее, от мамы.

Photo: @victoriabonya

Since the days of the Brilliant, evil tongues have spoken, that Anna Semenovich enlarged her breasts. They, who are they saying, just did not see the singer with her mother. Lush forms were transferred to Anna from her, как и почти все другое.

Photo: @ann_semenovich

Для Ольги Бузовой ее мать – лучшая подруга. Именно ее поддержка посодействовала певице пережить тяжелые времена в личной жизни. The mother even helped her daughter with the choice of a candidate for her heart in the show "Marry Buzova". Olya inherited hair color from her mother, face shape, smirk, eye shape.

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Publication of Olga Buzova (@ buzova86) 25 But I 2018 at 3:25 PST

Ladies rule in the family of Tatiana Navka. The skater has a younger sister, Natalya, and two daughters, Sasha and Nadya.. And they all look like their own mothers. Raisa Anatolyevna also went in for sports in the past, so she gave Tatyana not only beauty.

- the first and most important person in everyone's life, naturally, mother. Thanks to the mother, human values ​​​​are instilled, personality and character are formed. Thanks to my mom I am, what am I, - the skater writes touchingly about the parent.

Photo: @tatiana_navka

Mother of Yulia Nachalova Taisiya Nikolaevna 63 of the year, what is hard to believe, looking at the pictures. The singer doesn't just look like her, she is a perfect copy of her mother.

Photo: @julianachalova

I went all to my mother and Yulia Kovalchuk. If we compare them, then it becomes clear, that all the facial features of the mother's singer, and means, age she should not be afraid, she will always be good.

Photo: @juliakovalchuk

Mat Alsu architect Razia Iskhakovna Safina looks so great, what, when my daughter posts pictures of her, subscribers do not immediately understand, who is in the photo. May be, elder sister?

Photo: @alsou_a

In the family of Vera Brezhneva, the current female kingdom. The singer has three sisters - the eldest Galina and the younger ones - twins Anastasia and Victoria. All of them are like drops of water similar to the beautiful mother Tamara.

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Posted by Tamara Galushka (@mama4rum) 4 Aug 2016 at 12:48 PDT
