Category: Family tips

Autumn menu: what delicious can be found in the capital

Сезонность — понятие, которое применяют не только в моде, но и гастрономии. Ресторанный бизнес не стоит на месте. Here, как и в мире моды, также есть свои тенденции, и повара, как кутюрье, придумывают новые съедобные коллекции. Но вдохновляются они не только гастрономическими трендами, но и сезонностью, чтобы каждый ингредиент раскрыл свой полный вкус. В холода кулинары […]

Woman hated neighbor dog, and then he saved her

The dog was much friendlier, than a neighbor. Simba the pit bull. Pit bulls rarely cause tenderness, they are fighting dogs. look fierce, have an appropriate reputation. Still they can be just as good-natured, just like labradoodles, eg. However, all these arguments had no effect on Simba's neighbor.. The woman hated the dog and emphasized this in every possible way at every meeting.. But […]

Can now: nutritionists found mayonnaise useful

Cast aside doubts and rightly dive into the basin with Olivier! What's the worst thing about New Year holidays? Of course, amount of food. Nutritionists turn gray with horror year after year, looking at the numerous basins of salads: they say, the most harmful, what you can think of, - this is puff salads, richly flavored with mayonnaise. Chefs and fitness experts come up with alternative recipes, […]

Counted, how many toys and tinsel should be on the perfect Christmas tree

You don't believe, but scientists seriously took care of the problem, how to dress up the main holiday symbol. You already put a Christmas tree? And dressed up? If yes, then look back - psychologists say, what to decorate a Christmas tree you need directly 31 December, to create a festive mood for yourself and not have time to lose it. Well, or at least count the number of balls on […]