Woman hated neighbor dog, and then he saved her

Woman hated neighbor dog, and then he saved her

The dog was much friendlier, than a neighbor.

Woman hated neighbor dog, and then he saved her

Simba the pit bull. Pit bulls rarely cause tenderness, they are fighting dogs. look fierce, have an appropriate reputation. Still they can be just as good-natured, just like labradoodles, eg. However, all these arguments had no effect on Simba's neighbor.. The woman hated the dog and emphasized this in every possible way at every meeting..

But one day everything changed. Simba with his master, a Swede named Aryanit, returning from a walk. They went up to the floor, the owner went straight to the door, getting the keys, and Simba suddenly rushed to the door of someone else's apartment and raised a frantic bark. He barked, without ceasing, jumped, scratched the door with claws - the behavior was, to put it mildly, strange.

Aryanite ran to the door, to drag the dog. And that's a little bit, then no problems: This is the apartment where my neighbor lived., who disliked Simba at first sight. Grabbed the dog by the collar and suddenly heard a faint cry, coming from behind a locked door.

"It turned out, neighbor, elderly woman, fell in the hallway and broke her hip. They couldn't get up, don't get to the phone. If not for Simba, it wouldn't be found for a long time. God knows, how it ends", Aryanite says. The man called an ambulance, the woman was taken to the hospital. And since then, her attitude towards Simba has changed radically..

Woman hated neighbor dog, and then he saved her

"It seems to me, dogs are a reflection of their owners. If the owner is aggressive, the dog will be the same. Labrador can be vicious, and the pit bull is good-natured. So it's not the breed of the dog that's the problem., and in that, who's holding the leash", Aryanite says.

By the way, in something he, certainly, rights. In America, the family is breeding pit bulls, and their biggest pet is babysitting the couple's youngest son, like your own puppy.

"This is the most gentle nanny and the most reliable guard at the same time", young parents say.

A source: wday.ru