Category: beauty

Miss Universe scared fans with eyebrows: a photo 2018

Seems, the baby drew them with a children's felt-tip pen. Recognized babe Olivia Kalpo made a grand beauty failure. The hot beauty decided to emphasize her already expressive face and began ... with an eyebrow. What means did she use, Olivia did not tell, but other girls definitely shouldn’t take note of them. Kalpo's eyebrows came out intensely black., very thick, да еще и с […]


Emilia Clark has lost even more weight and looks much older

Wrinkles, nasolabial folds and protruding collarbones - it's time to tie up the Dragon Mom diet. The performer of one of the main roles in the cult series "Game of Thrones" has not so long since made a nostalgic post on Instagram, which said goodbye to the project, made her megapopular. Need to say, that shooting the actress was not so simple. Few people know, что на протяжении всех […]

Milla Jovovich can no longer hide wrinkles: a photo 2018

42-summer actress on selfies were not helped by filters. Milla Jovovich shared a cute selfie with her adorers with her daughter. And Internet users regretfully stated, that the star is aging. Even the photo filters could not hide the creases on the forehead of the actress. Photo: @millajovovich Меж прочим, Milla's deep wrinkles on her forehead were noticeable on the last exits to the reddish path. By the way, subscribers decided, […]

Valentine Rubtsov told about their diet: latest news 2018

Valentine Rubtsov shared menu, which supports it to remain in perfect shape. 40-year-old star of the television series "Univer" and "SashaTanya" still looks like a student. And last but not least because of their own elegant figure, which are the envy does not matter which model. toned body, steel press, thin legs and a single gram of excess fat! Fans are constantly bombarded with questions about the actress […]