The daughter of Bruce Willis turned into an old woman: a photo 2018 before and after

Usually the girls from ugly ducklings turn into beautiful swans, but then it turned to the contrary. 24-year-old Tallulah Willis is still a few months back shone at social events and captivated visitors and do not let their own classic, but very showy appearance. What happened to this krosotkoy? Literally in a matter of weeks, she, in 1-x, recovered, and secondly, pretty lost her looks. На данный […]

Елена Воробей похорошела до неузнаваемости: новый имидж юмористки, a photo

Юмористка примерила необычный образ. «Игривая? „Красная шапочка“ в ожидании. „Субботний вечер“, за кулисами… Что скажете? Идет мне такой радикальный окрас?» – порадовала Елена Воробей поклонников свежим снимком в Instagram, на котором чудо как хороша. И предстает в новом радикальном имидже, да таком, что юмористку можно сразу и не узнать. Ну ваще!Photo: @vorobei_elena Конечно, смелый розовый […]


Sofia Rotaru was discharged from the hospital: a photo, the details

People's Artist of the USSR returned home after a short hospitalization. She informed the fans about this herself., having posted on his page in Instahram photos in an embrace with his grandson Anatoly Evdokimenko, serving as Dj Shmn, and with her son Ruslan Evdokimenko, who is also her producer. "Friends! Really, there were some health problems ... Thank you all for your support and care! […]

Plus-size model Ashley Graham gets fat on the eyes

Seems, even underwear on it is about to crack at the seams. One of the most popular size, plus-size models, Ashley Graham, thin was not even in childhood. But too full it is also not called: According to various sources, Graham weight ranged from 85 to 90 kg at growth 175 cm. May be, и многовато для стандартной […]