Category: Health

Kardashian not wash for several days: news 2018

The star may not wash off the make-up for days. It is rare to see Kim Kardashian without a make-up. Many fans are wondering: how much time does a star spend every day, to appear even on an ordinary walk in full dress? One contouring, it seems, take at least an hour. Once Kim showed, how to draw the perfect face. Such a task cannot be dealt with quickly.. […]

Can I drink tea after a meal

Dr. dispelled the popular myth. Tea is one of the most useful drinks in the world. However, it is associated a huge amount of prejudice. One of them - tea supposedly can not be used immediately after a meal. And immediately before. Only with very large intervals. To dispel any doubts, addressed to spice. Photo: Martin Dimitrov/E+/Getty Images

Irina Saltykov in 52 year looks on 20: a photo 2018

The singer obviously knows the secret of eternal youth. Ira Saltykova celebrated in May 52 of the year, but own age from fans, she does not hide. Opposite, even proud of it. Who would not be proud of, I had looked, as a singer, half his age? Saltykov shared with worshipers fresh image, where it looks the same, as a young man. Seems, годы […]

Анджелина Джоли выглядит как сестра своих детей: a photo 2018

Актриса с каждым днем становится все краше. Еще в начале года казалось, что Джоли больше не сумеет вернуть себе звание первой красавицы Голливуда. Ее ужасающую худобу не могли скрыть даже свободные наряды. А заострившиеся черты лица и показавшиеся морщины уже начали пугать поклонников. Logically: ведь звезда страдала анорексией, которая сопровождается бессонницей, потерей энтузиазма к еде, […]