Category: beauty

Лечение пигментации на лице

Пигментные пятна на коже появляются из-за воздействия красящих пигментных клеток (меланоцитов). Именно при пигментном нарушении происходит изменение цвета кожи. Цветовой пигмент кожи зависит в основном от генетики, которая располагает различные сочетания кожных пигментов: каротина (жёлтого пигмента), меланина (коричневого), дезоксигемоглобина (синего) и оксигемоглобина (красного). Меланин отвечает за пигментацию цвета волос, кожи и радужной оболочки глаз.


As the rope helps to lose weight

For every overweight person is the real problem. But in order to always maintain the shape of the figure a little to eat, You need to constantly exercise. And if you do not have time to go to gyms, you can always find an alternative in the form of exercises at home. You can not even guess how, how jump rope helps to lose weight and which one […]


Once again about the benefits of exercise

In the age of new technologies and the rapid development of science one gradually becomes accustomed to, that all of it is made arrangements, his invention: robots, vacuuming carpets, dishwashers wash dishes, multivarka while preparing dinner. We are moving cars, where there is only push the pedal, and us dogonishy. Мы очень мало двигаемся и именно поэтому подвержены […]


Train and strength with the help of weighting

In many sports and fitness areas weighting applied. One of the most effective tools for the development of endurance are leg cuffs. curious, that even swimmers apply weighting in water. certainly, first experienced weighting leg runners and athletes. In the winter, the cuff during use skaters, skaters, hockey, biathletes, skiers. Однако любовь к утяжелителям «шагнула» далеко за рамки профессионального […]