The royal servant robbed the palace on 10 million rubles

The royal servant robbed the palace on 10 million rubles

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The royal servant robbed the palace on 10 million rubles

Сотрудник резиденции королевы Елизаветы II Адамо Канто работал в Букингемском дворце на протяжении пяти лет. Из-за введенного в Лондоне карантина на него повесили дополнительные обязанности по уборке. 37-летний мужчина решил воспользоваться доступом к монаршим хоромам и обокрал шкафы с вещами придворных, опустошил кладовую герцога Йоркского и вынес дорогое постельное белье. Kanto also took the medal of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, owned by the Queen's Master of Household (retired Vice Admiral Anthony Johnston-Burt), and the badge of the commander of the Royal Victorian Order (Major General Matthew Sykes). In addition, a sneaky employee stole pictures of Prince William and Kate Middleton, made during the visit of US President Donald Trump.

The royal servant robbed the palace on 10 million rubles

In the end, Adamo's thefts did not go unnoticed. 11 June during preparation for the parade, dedicated to the birthday of Elizabeth II, Housekeeper found missing medal. Anthony Johnston-Burt searched for her in various places for more than two weeks, considering, that he shifted somewhere. However, he decided to play it safe and went to the police at the end of the month.. Matthew Sykes did the same., who did not find his order.

The royal servant robbed the palace on 10 million rubles

Kate Middleton and Prince William receive the President of Ukraine with his wife at Buckingham Palace

Adamo managed to sell 37 items on eBay. The medal of the Order of the Bath went to the new owner for 350 pounds (35 thousand rubles), photos - for 1,5 thousands of pounds (152 thousand rubles) and t. d. In total, Kanto profited from 7,7 thousands of pounds (784 thousand rubles).

After the arrest of the unreliable servant, it turned out, that he repeatedly committed thefts at Buckingham Palace. It turned, that this story began back in November last year. Kanto carefully hid his booty in the bins of the Royal Mews. The investigation counted 77 stolen items. The court has so far released Adamo on bail. The man received a suspended sentence. Not excluded, that he still goes to jail.

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