What to do, if the thing sat down after washing?

What to do, if the thing sat down after washing?

What to do if the village thing after washing? Naturally, the question arises, if you forget to get acquainted with the care information, which is provided on the label product. Do not rush to throw out misshapen thing or delay in the corner - still worth fighting for its existence. How to prevent shrinkage of clothes? What to do, if the thing sat down after washing?If the fabric is prone to shrinkage, you almost have no way to avoid it, special, if you properly take care of it. for instance, such fabrics, as wool and cotton, tend to shrink after the first wash. That article of clothing deformation is not so was clearly expressed, better to perestrahuytes and buy things from a material to be larger than. What to do, if the wool thing Village? When, when the problem has already occurred, and you try to solve, what to do, if the thing sat down after washing, you need a simple means, that there are certainly in your home: detergent for woolen and delicate fabrics; ammonia; hydrogen peroxide; vodka (spirits); turpentine; baking soda; wine acid; vinegar; milk; a piece of gauze; iron; washing machine. Before, how to stretch wool sweater, pay attention to the following recommendations: If there is a cotton or viscose wool composition material, such a thing has to be restored. Since wool is afraid of high temperatures, Use only cool water for processing. Do not change the water temperature during processing - this may matted fibers, and you will not achieve the desired result. Restore misshapen thing can be repeated washing by hand. To process only sparing use powders or gels, designed for washing delicate things. When rinsing, add air conditioning - so you soften the fibers and make the product more elastic. Wool never unscrew - with aggressive spinning deformed thread. To effectively use moisture-pressed towels or any moisture absorbing fabric. Roll up the product in a towel and press down, so that the water passed on dry material. When stretching canvas remember, that parts should be the same length. Pay attention to, that there are no folds, collar and cuffs must be straightened. Dry the product in a horizontal position. Important! If the clothes are so spoiled, that the proposed statement does not help, think of it a different application. This will help our reviews: Mats with their hands out of old things. Crafts for the house and new things from old sweaters. Способы восстановления прежней формы севшей одежды Предлагаем несколько вариантов решения проблемы: If wool sweater sat down after washing, what to do, that the thing acquired earlier forms. way of 1 Immerse the product in warm water no more than 30 ° C on 5-10 minutes. press. Prepare for drying a flat surface and cover it with a towel. Woolen thing spread out to dry, Grounded parts stretch in the right direction, Align Bottom, straighten and fix plastic clothespins. Important! Do not use the iron needles (pins), in order to avoid rust traces. Almost withered thing hang on a hanger. way of 2 To save the shrunken sweater, Make the following solution: Pour into a bowl of water at room temperature 5l. Add 3 tbsp. sal ammoniac, 1 tbsp. vodka (any cologne), 1 tbsp. Skipidar. Put deformed thing in the solution for 30-40 minutes. Thoroughly rinse in water of the same temperature. After this procedure, the wool fibers are soft and flexible, in this way, the product can be given the original form, securing the manner described above. Important! Depending on, what kind of thing has given the shrinkage and what she sewed, in the case of failed attempts to restore its original shape and size, Use the following our ideas: How to alter a dress, if it is small? How do I convert a skirt, if it is small? What to do, If jeans are small in length? way of 3 It will help improve the situation of ordinary hydrogen peroxide: Dissolve in 10 liters of cold water 20-30 ml formulation. Thoroughly rinse solution shrunken item, при этом активно растягивайте проблемные места Оставьте свитер в растворе на 1,5-2 o'clock. Lay out to dry, periodically stretching shrunken portions. Important! The longer you handle the product, the higher the probability of restoring its former dimensions. Carefully use this method in the dark and colorful products, to prevent discoloration. way of 4 Prepare a solution of soap powder for washing wool. Soak the product on 20-30 минут Ополосните в чистой воде. press. Place in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for a day. Put on a moisture absorbing fabric, to dripping, the complete thawing. Dry at room temperature. way of 5 What to do, if the thing sat down after washing?If the state shrunken things are not quite deplorable, use ammonia: Mix equal amount of water and ammonia. Put the product to soak in the 2 o'clock. Rinse with plenty of water. way of 6 To stretch the shrunken thing white, use milk: Soak for half an hour in the milk product. Opolosnite. way of 7 If the question, what to do, if the village knitted sweater, wool sweater or dress, still relevant, proceed as follows: Pour into bowl 2n cold water and add 20g soda. Soak thing in solution in 10-12 hours. Wash with washing powder. Prepare the following solution: 2L of water to add 10 tbsp. tartaric acid. Periodically turn the sweater, that he was in the uniform liquid. Through 2 hours, rinse and dry. way of 8 Remove the deformed thing inside out. Spread out on the ironing board and cover with moist gauze. Set the iron to steam mode. Iron problem areas with a not too hot iron., specially stretching them. way of 9 Unusual way, but quite effective, if you have an urgent need to, what to do, if you got a wool sweater: Wet item in cool water. Press bulk moisture. Put on themselves and wear, until it almost does not dry out. Tale dried in a vertical position. Important! Alternatively, you can use a shopping mannequin, but in this case, evenly distribute the product and attach weights to the sleeves and bottom of the product. Twisting strain the product is strictly prohibited. How to stretch the knitted item? The same problem of exposed things, made of cotton material: knitted t-shirts, jumpers, jeans. In resolving issues: how to stretch a cotton item, T-shirt shrunk after washing, what should I do?, you will need 3% vinegar, sponge and hair conditioner: Soak the product in warm water for a few minutes. press. Place the item of clothing in an empty basin and moisten generously with hair conditioner. Start stretching. If you have poor tensile leave the product in the air conditioner for a few minutes. Rinse with pure water. Lightly press the thing, but do not remove. Pour vinegar into small container. Lay stretchable thing in a broad pelvis, or in the bathroom. Dampen a sponge to wipe the product and stretching movements of the fabric. Wash in the washing machine, but only in the appropriate mode. Rinse with the addition of softener, to remove the acetic odor. Important! In our arsenal there are so many interesting ideas, which you can use for knitwear items: How to make knitted yarn from a T-shirt? How to make a mask from a T-shirt? What to do, so that the thing sits? A radically opposite situation - what to do, so that the thing sits, is also quite relevant for many. If you don't know, how to do, to make the T-shirt fit, entrust this task to an automatic machine: Set the temperature control to 60 ° C. Pour in the washing machine powder container to preserve color, that under the influence of hot water thing is not shed. Apply normal spin. Set in the machine drying mode. After drying iron the product, without stretching it using steam iron. What to do, Woolen thing to village? To reduce woolen thing, Swipe washing in hot water manually, as the washing machine can change it permanently. After processing item rinse in cold water.