Category: Family tips

Magic every day: a new perspective on aromatherapy

It is considered to be, что ароматерапия невозможна без медитаций, глубокого погружения в себя и возжигания свечи-таблетки под специальной лампой. Faberlic предлагает новый подход к домашней ароматерапии. Telling, как он работает.10 декабря 2021 В суете дней душистая ванна с парой капель эфирного масла становится радостью выходного дня, и то изредка. Создатели БИОлинии Home Gnome Greenly от Faberlic решили […]

For an apartment, dacha, car: what everyone needs to know about property taxes

The Federal Tax Service began sending out property tax notifications for 2020 year. It is necessary to settle with the state before 1 December, otherwise, interest will be charged. How to check numbers in a document?28 November 2021 Notifications come to home owners, apartments, garages, land plots. Capital buildings are taken into account. So, you will not have to pay for a shed for storing tools in a summer cottage. To everyone […]

What things can you do better without?: eco-advice from an expert

Many have heard about, how the use of plastic is harmful to the environment. And what other things can you completely refuse, to make our world cleaner?6 November 2021 Together with a Greenpeace course expert, GeekBrains and "Dobro" "Turn on eco-mode" by Irina Kozlovskikh compiled top-7 tips, which you can use right now, to make your life more sustainable. Irina Kozlovskikh Expert of the Greenpeace course, […]

Pensioner from a barrel: story about, how a temporary haven turned into a permanent

20 photo barrels, in which without light, water and electricity grandmother lives from Omsk. 19 October 2021 Recently, the life story of a pensioner from Omsk named Svetlana Chernova was publicized.. It turned, what else with 1986 a woman huddles in an iron tank. Then this room was supposed to become a temporary shelter., bye Svetlana, crane operator, stood in […]