Category: Fashion & Style

Minnie, neckline, cutouts: 20 inappropriate outfits of Queen Letizia - no one dares to wear such

15 September Queen Letizia turns 50 years old. On this occasion, we recall the provocative exits of the royal person, excited the public. September 15 2022 Queen Letizia Letizia Ortiz, Queen Consort of Spain. Before marriage, she was a journalist, known in narrow circles. After her marriage to Prince Philip, the whole world learned about Letizia. Her outfits are distinguished by restraint, However, the queen knows how to surprise. Putting on the usual […]

6 fashion bans, which every woman in the USSR had to observe - you will definitely be horrified

After all, modern women have long been violating these rules. August 23 2022 In Soviet times, girls had a hard time. Their appearance was followed not only by the public, but also the government. If a woman violated the unspoken rules of the dress code, then especially attentive citizens could take her "where necessary". Remember the fashionable bans of the USSR, faced by every girl of that time. "No" to self-expression […]

Against common sense: favorite trash trends of stars - 22 a photo рассказывает о самых безумных модных тенденциях, которые стали популярны благодаря смелости и отсутствию скромности некоторых знаменитостей.31 июля 2022 Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Кендалл Дженнер Звезды уже давно уяснили для себя одну вещь: чем откровеннее и провокационнее наряд, тем больше вероятность засветиться в прессе. Many use this life hack and do not deny themselves anything! […]