Category: beauty

Janet Jackson came out with a palm tree on her head

After life's ups and downs, the singer comes to her senses. 52-Summer American singer Janet Jackson loves to wow audiences. For every appearance she is looking for something new. The Black Girls Rock Awards ceremony took place the other day, organized by the legendary singer Queen Latifah, in honor of the deceased singer Aretha Franklin. Famous celebrities became guests, among which was Janet. […]

23-summer Liza Arzamasova showed a gorgeous figure in a bikini

Fans compared the fragile actress to a mermaid. The young artist has been actively touring Russia all summer: festivals, shooting, concerts and t. d. Regular flights, moving from one time zone to another, of course, affected Lisa. Recently, she posted in her microblog pictures from the new film project, where I wrote all the time, that her dream is to get enough sleep. […]

Natalia Rudova changed her hairstyle: a photo 2018

What do you think, a new image suits her? Natalia Rudova is not one of those stars, who are constantly experimenting with their appearance. And why - she is so good! But, apparently, like any girl, she sometimes wants to refresh the image. Therefore, the actress decided on a new hairstyle.. Hair, used to cover the shoulder blades, star beauty trimmed under the square, а теплый золотистый […]

Алене Апиной – 54: 10 a photo, доказывающих что с возрастом певица только хорошеет

23 августа красавице-певице исполнилось 54 of the year. А выглядит она минимум двое моложе! Загадочный взгляд, слегка взъерошенные волосы, полураспахнутая рубашка будто с мужского плеча и оголенная грудь или, что еще лучше, идеальный купальник – такой певицу часто видят десятки тысяч поклонников, подписанных на нее в Instagram. В честь дня рождения прекрасной певицы собрал галерею ее […]