2 million or 2 thousand? guess, how much are the outfits of the first ladies [test]

2 million or 2 thousand? guess, how much are the outfits of the first ladies [test]

Test your intuition!

Presidents' wives, kings and princes are no less fashionable, than show business stars.

2 million or 2 thousand? guess, how much are the outfits of the first ladies [test]

Of course, for some, the dress code does not allow them to try on outfits like those of the Kardashians, nevertheless, the first ladies have a lot to learn. Each of their releases has been discussed for a long time in fashion magazines.. But the most interesting thing, that all these girls are constantly confusing fans, умело сочетая очень дорогие вещи с довольно дешевыми предметами гардероба. Сможете ли вы угадать, на какое из платьев были потрачены миллионы, а какое стоит даже меньше, чем ужин в приличном ресторане?

guess, дешевые или дорогие эти наряды первых леди мира

2 million or 2 thousand? guess, how much are the outfits of the first ladies [test]

Начать тест Источник: www.wday.ru