Every day is getting younger: Jessica alba doesn't get old at all

Every day is getting younger: Jessica alba doesn't get old at all

37-summer actress and mom of three looks on 20 years old. And as soon as she succeeds?

While all celebrities dream of prolonging their youth and constantly go to appointments with a cosmetologist and lie down under the surgeon’s knife, others don’t put so much effort and look half as young, than there really is. This is exactly what actress Jessica Alba looks like without make-up on paparazzi pictures.

Photo: Legion-Media

The celebrity has repeatedly admitted in her own interviews and even wrote the book “Sincere Beauty”, where she told in detail, how does she manage to keep her youth. It's all about proper skin care: thorough cleansing (especially before going to bed), moisturizing, toning up. Alba is constantly making masks for the area around the eyes., and if she does not have time, then apply patches - specifically they moisturize her skin and give the look a rested look. However, she always uses sunscreen.

In addition to proper care, the star tries to eat right. No wonder photographers often take it off with a greenish smoothie in their hands. In her diet, only organic products and pure water, which she drinks all the time, so that the skin is moisturized.
