A real man

A real man

any boy, born in this world, It goes from a defenseless toddler to a real man, who succeeds in business, a loving husband and caring father. It is important to stay on the way, not slide to the roadside courage. Only to pass with dignity this way, you need to know, what does it consist of. Men need to know, not with age comes maturity, and with the ability to take responsibility. It means - men, who are able to make responsible decisions and responsible actions in their lives, become mature. What is maturity? The ability to manage, guide, to protect and guide. This should be a man, и не только благодаря Каким должен быть мужчинасвоим половым признакам, but also inherently. The presence of masculinity, that is what distinguishes a man from a woman. Most men, Unfortunately, flabby and not decisive. Courage - this is what women expect from men, weak-willed husband - a humiliating experience for my wife and not the best example for children. men, not burdened by marriage, should know, if you feel sexually attracted to a woman - it does not mean that you are a man. This treatment of women does not differ from the animal craving. This man is a single woman, which makes his wife. And the attitude of his wife is not limited to satisfaction of their desires sehsualnyh. An important component of love - taking care of loved ones. The power of your love lies in your attention to the woman he loves. Are you ready to dedicate a part of his life to his wife. Young man, testing sehsualnoe desire, after satisfying their lust, fear casts a pregnant woman. Is this is a sign of courage? Men do not run away from problems, they solve them. The presence of the courage needed to change, for the ability to make problems, not avoid the reality and make the right decisions. What should be muzhchinaImeya family, you have to be a faithful husband and a caring father. You can not bring the family to sacrifice for the sake of career. Learn to love your children, show them the right things, teach them the truth, and never showed his anger and irritation on their children. least, that the truth, you say the love of c, - is the only correct way to display true love. So men should always do. I think, all heard the saying: "We have to be a man, to recognize, you're wrong ". The greatest teacher of life - it is regrettable. Everything, What happens next, It has value. If you have not tried to take responsibility for their actions, for their sins, We never asked for forgiveness, then you'll never know, what it means to be a real man. All people make mistakes, but only if it is not done consciously and deliberately.