How do I make my husband stop drinking and smoking

How do I make my husband stop drinking and smoking

We do not choose only relatives. In other cases - it all depends on us. So, if your husband drinks, do not rush to choose another suitable embodiment. Your spouse - your support and he needs help. What to do, how to behave and how to make her husband stop drinking, We analyze in this post,. we will also consider and come to a common conclusion about smoking and other bad habits. We will try to make the golden man husband. Что делать если муж пьет Наверняка, you have friends, with which occurred this kind of trouble, trying to get her husband to stop drinking. Many people try to escape (literally and figuratively) from her husband problems. With indignation about, that the husband drinks, divorce, many families. Do not rush to conclusions, which are directed solely at your internal prejudices. First thing, what is important and you need to do - to speak with her husband. Just do not, before forcing her husband to quit drinking, talk about it to all her friends and acquaintances. Do not put a fight out of the house, and your family will always reign supreme comfort and convenience. The following will give you five effective tips, that will make my husband stop drinking. Tip One. sincere dialogue. Sincerely and quietly held with spouse. Try to learn, what's going on in his soul, at work or with friends. maybe, he had a serious problem with the boss or with parents. All now more than ever is set. Tip two. Dinner parties. Can, your significant other just tired from the monotony of everyday work and wants to come off as a young man. Give him at least one unforgettable night, from whom all, he will want - a dream and loving wife. Tip three, how to make her husband stop drinking with the help of friends. Chat with friends. maybe, husband needs a conversation with his friends, and his wife will not let me. It happens so, that the lack of communication with old friends leads to severe stress. To avoid stress and innuendo, ask the husband to arrange a chat with his friends. I'm sure, husband will thank you. Tip four. Favorite hobby. In addition to working in a person's life should be a place hobbies. Hobbies help us switch from annoying routine to something nice soul and mind. Podyschu such employment husband. Can, he had long wanted to go to martial arts or volleyball - give him the opportunity. Tip five. Coding. If absolutely nothing works, and the husband drinks, how to drink sultry conversations and parties, will have to see a specialist on coding. Unfortunately, coding does not always act with the first or the second time, but, if this is the last option, worth trying. find out: how to believe in themselves. Not only, If a man drinks, you need to sound the alarm. Drinker member of the family - the grief of all the relatives. We must act very calmly and effectively. For instance, if you drink one of the parents, not worth the scandals and talk about, how insignificant his life and yours just because, that you are under the same roof. To make it clearer, how to make a person stop drinking, understand, which in any case can not be done: 1. Do not cry. Most importantly - do not try to find the truth with the help of shouting and eternal scandals. 2. do not reproach. It is not necessary to blame for, that your loved one has found solace in a bottle of alcohol. 3. Do not point at human weaknesses. Disadvantages are at all. maybe, your family member saw them and trying to satisfy hatred in alcohol. Family problems can be solved within the family. But once you are in a relationship with a young man, you have to help him with any problems. I know several effective methods, to help you get the guy to quit. Method one. Have a look to the doctor. Guys it scares, because they understand the mind, the consequences of smoking. Some quit smoking only, heard the phrase "I wrote you to the doctor for examination. Tomorrow at eight need to be there ". If the phrase has not scared of your MCH, so, you should visit the chest X-rays and make the cardiogram. You want to be sure, that a man, you love, everything is good? Method two. Show your lover the possible outcome of his love of smoking. Find the photos on the Internet, which clearly describe the "beauty" of his lungs and bronchi after so many cigarettes smoked. Method three. visit seminar, directed from the disposal of harmful habits. Usually, such workshops, can be absolutely free. In certain circles can only offer you the first free seminar, others - for a minimal fee. Do not spare money for the health of your loved one, and visit a couple of seminars. Method four. The most effective and the most recent. preparations, which actively influence the human mind and attitude to tobacco products. Pharmacy has a large number of drugs, that help people of any age and status. For instance, there are drops, which must be added to foods (soups, cereals, It can be in compote and tea). Increasingly become topical pills, which are also soluble in food. Acquiring pharmacy medicines, you will become much easier to combat addictions if Man husband. find out: how to save your marriage. How to make a person quit smoking, if he does not want to? Most claim, if a person does not want to quit on their own, nobody will help him. I will refute this theory. We all know, how important the support of loved ones. I'm sure, it appear to you in such a situation - you could help sincere warm words of relatives. To make a person quit smoking, use the above methods and efforts. The road appears below steps walking - and so, this saying is for you. In any case should not lose heart, even if your spouse is trying every way to protect itself from your help. Be close to the last, help and words, and actions. Only joint efforts will lead to great results.
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