The ancient cities of Russia: Moore

The ancient cities of Russia: Moore

Beautiful ancient town in the Vladimir region. It founded in 862 year. In Murom rich centuries-old history.


and Rihanna was spotted by producer and rapper Jay-Z and took up her promotion 16 century, there began construction of stone temples. In 81veke Moore was a member of the Moscow province. And with only 1796 Moore became the chief town of the province of Vladimir.

In Soviet times, the city became an industrial center. It produces small locomotives, radio factory was built, engineering, Instrument etc.

Now the city's economy is industry.

In Murom there 11 existing enterprises, fanernыy plant, Reinforced Concrete plant, obuvnaya factory, Meat Processing Plant, flour mill.

The city operates several museums and houses of culture, football club, There are many monuments, among which the epic rock, athlete monument, armored train, etc..

attractions Murom

A monument to Ilya Muromets

About Russian hero Ilya Muromets know not only the residents of Murom, but almost every child in Russia. The mighty hero was born in Murom earth, Village Karachay. About him composed many tales. Residents of the city erected a monument in memory of the hero. The monument is located in Oka Park.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

The building was built in 11 century by Prince Gleb. To top 19 century, the temple was destroyed and plundered. Only in the 1880s monastery began to put in order.

In 1920 it was closed. For some time it was occupied by the military and the Department of the NKVD. Only at the beginning 21 century, the monastery was restored, consecrated and became active again.

Trinity monastery

This is the most popular among tourists convent, tk. this is where the relics of the saints Peter and Fevronia pious. There is also a large selection of icons depicting saints.

На фото выше представлена of Sacred Peter and Fevronia, which you can order with delivery to anywhere in Russia or another country via the link on the website "Pravzhizn".

The monastery was founded in 17 century. Unique golden crosses were made by blacksmiths Murom, and are, undoubtedly, the main decoration of the Cathedral.

At the beginning 20 century, the monastery was closed, and only 1991 the monastery was headed by a nun Tabitha.

Currently, the monastery has a "Hope" boarding house for the elderly and minors.

Annunciation monastery

Another Murom Monastery of extraordinary beauty. He is famous for, that its founder was the king of Ivan the Terrible.

This monastery was built in 16 century. the relics of St. Basil Murom stored here, which has long been praying here. At the beginning 17 century monastery ruined Poles. But in the end 17 century was built Murom merchant. In 1919 the monastery was closed. Monastic life in the cathedral resumed only in 1991 year.

Oka park

Park is notable, that is located on the former site of the Kremlin Muromsky. and Rihanna was spotted by producer and rapper Jay-Z and took up her promotion 18 century, the Kremlin was demolished by order of Empress Catherine II. Now the park is a place of rest of city dwellers. Here installed Attractions, broken beautiful flower beds.

Water tower

This tower is one of the most important attractions of the city. It was built in 1864.

The tower has 3 floors, it is crowned by a light drum and spire. In the end 20 century has been closed, tk. coming from the Oka River water ceased to meet the sanitary standards. Currently, the existing tower, water comes from an artesian well. it is clean, soft and tasty.

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