5 unusual facts about women's breasts, that you didn't even know about

5 unusual facts about women's breasts, that you didn't even know about

Fact #1. Размер – не главное Дело не в размерах, and in the right proportions. Italian researchers came to this conclusion. Before, how to conduct an experiment, scientists assumed in advance, that men will value women with the largest breasts more highly. Then they gave the experiment participants photographs and asked them to rate the attractiveness and slimness of the women in the photographs.. They all posed from different angles - from the front, in profile and half-turn. Participants in the experiment found women to be the most attractive, whose bust size corresponded to the proportions of the rest of the body. So skinny women should hardly pursue big breasts. Fact #2. Мужчины охотнее помогают дамам с пышным бюстом А вот специалисты из Университета Южной Бретани (France) came to the conclusion, that size does matter. It turned, that men are more willing to offer help to women with large breasts. But in the case of women, everything happened exactly the opposite.. Scientists chose a 20-year-old girl with a small bust and for several hours she voted on the road, trying to catch a car. During the experiment, the girl was wearing jeans, sneakers and a white tight T-shirt. She had no makeup on her face. But she changed her bra three times, and each time she wore a bra with cups of different sizes - from A to C. The larger the bra size, the more men stopped and the fewer women stopped. Fact #3. Открытое декольте увеличивает шансы на собеседование Еще одна команда исследователей выяснила, that's a picture on a resume, which shows a woman in clothes with a low neckline, almost in 20 times increases the chances, that the girl will be invited to a job interview. Two representatives of the fair sex with approximately identical external and professional characteristics took part in the experiment.. They were allegedly looking for jobs in sales and accounting.. At the same time, both applicants attached photographs to their resumes, in which they were wearing clothes with a round neckline, or with a deep neckline. For three years, while the experiment lasted, each of the participants sent their resume to 200 positions, and in 100 In cases, the resume was accompanied by a photo in ordinary clothes and still in 100 – from the neckline. As a result on the resume, which included pictures of her cleavage, there were many more responses. Fact #4. Взгляд мужчины в первую очередь фокусируется на груди В ходе еще одного зарубежного исследования, which was held several years ago, scientists showed a group of stronger sex volunteers photographs of the same woman. The size of her breasts in each photo turned out to be different thanks to Photoshop. When participants looked at the photographs, a special device recorded their eye movements. It revealed, that men's gaze primarily focused on the chest and waist, and only then moved on to the rest of the body. At the end of the experiment, subjects were asked to point to the photograph., which one they liked the most. It turned, what are women with an hourglass figure? (that is, with a narrow waist and wide hips). Fact #5. Американки – обладательницы самых больших бюстов в мире Недавно ученые провели эксперимент и попытались выяснить, Residents of which country have the largest breast size. It was attended by 342 thousands of healthy women aged from 28 to 30 years old, living in 108 countries. There were no pregnant women among them, nursing mothers, as well as women, who have undergone hormonal therapy and undergone breast augmentation surgery, since all this could affect the objectivity of the results. The participants' breasts were not just measured - they were, according to the "Archimedes method", immersed in water, and then the bust parameters of each woman were determined by the amount of displaced fluid.